The Famous PotatoPurse was first created by designer Marijke Mill of Crystelle Handbags.
She combined her love for potatoes and designing into the burlap potato sack handbag {aka the Potato Purse}.

Christmas 2008, the website "CrystelleHandbags" was launched. It featured several different designs of bags, all made out of genuine Idaho Potato Sacks.
Marijke was quite surprised at how fast her business took off! People loved the Famous Potato Purse and ordered them by the dozens!!! She got busy cutting and sewing and cutting and sewing. Soon she realized that she couldn't keep up and desperately needed help! Some fabulous "sewing girls" came to the rescue and things started to become a bit more manageable.....The growth of the business was AMAZING!!!!!
And Marijke learned a few things along the way!- Running a business takes up a LOT of time {away from the children, I am embarrassed to admit}
- At the end of the year she was NOT profitable.... shockingly! {especially considering how busy she and the "sewing girls" had been...!}
- Her favorite part of the business was the DESIGNING of new patterns.....
It has been a lot of fun to dedicate her energy to design, and if people still want potato purses, they can make them themselves using the patterns and the potato sacks that are for sale at her EtsyBoutique.
And that's the story, and I'm sticking to it!
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Crystelle Boutique is the parent company of Crystelle Handbags
Fun Potato Bag Sewing Patterns and Genuine Potato Sacks are available at EtsyPotatoBoutique
Now I get it....
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