Hello there!!!!
Just so excited to share with you what Nancy from La Maison Reid has been up to lately.....
Let me tell you the background story:
First she saw a darling burlap purse online but it was $95!!!! Now, she said she could afford $95 for a purse but wanted the challenge of seeing if she make one as cute for a whole lot less than $95!!!!! So she hit the sewing room and came out with a VERY EXTREMELY STRIKINGLY darling burlap purse....!!!! {not just a "regular" darling purse like the one she had seen online.....)
Just so excited to share with you what Nancy from La Maison Reid has been up to lately.....
Let me tell you the background story:
First she saw a darling burlap purse online but it was $95!!!! Now, she said she could afford $95 for a purse but wanted the challenge of seeing if she make one as cute for a whole lot less than $95!!!!! So she hit the sewing room and came out with a VERY EXTREMELY STRIKINGLY darling burlap purse....!!!! {not just a "regular" darling purse like the one she had seen online.....)

Nancy describes with wonderful pictures on her blog how she fabricated the burlap bag.
She used the method from our own sister blog {Tutorial Boutique} to make the shabby burlap rose,
like the one shown in Haute Handbags {Spring 2010 Issue}.
It is so fun to see what the bloggy readers have come up with!
Please share with me what you are sewing up at home!
I am excited to show you what sewing projects I have up my sleeve,
{or at least in the vicinity of the sewing machine......}
Thanks so much for stopping by...!!!
I love hearing {or reading} your feedback!
Keep me posted....hahaha
{Yes pun intended!!! lol!!!}
Have a fabulous weekend!!!!
I am so glad Nancy discovered your tutorial about the VERY cute burlap rose!
She is quite the little designer. Fun stuff!
See ya!
I like the rose. Good job, Nancy! :J
I like the sunflower picture. Nice lighting too!
How fun ot see what people come up with to make with this fun burlap rose...!
I like it Crystelle! Keep up the good work!
Sorry to be the fly in the ointment but... the burlap Nancy saw on the Internet has been designed and handmade by an artisan...So maybe Nancy wanted to take up the challenge but this artisan was selling her own creation and 95 $ is the price for a made to order original creation http://www.etsy.com/listing/38946231/made-to-order-large-cressier-pick-your
Thanks Lucie! Appreciate you input!
I want this purse. It's extremely cute. When I say extremely I mean it.
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