Friday, February 10, 2012

"Spuds" Sack - Soooo Cute....!!!!!

Potato Sack
This VERY cute potato sack was made by 
Homemade CUTE Spud Sack
Believe it or not, but she is using this cute spud-sack to store potatoes in!!!!!

After all, burlap was designed to aerate the spuds all the while keeping them contained...
What an idea.....

Go SPUDS!!!!!

Anyway, I just love what she has come up with, 
especially the little "Spuds" embellishment at the front....
Nice work, Hannah!!!

What do you call 'potatoes' at your house....????

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the love for my potato sack and linking back to my blog :o)


Oh how I love your comments! Thank you so much for taking the time ~ I so love hearing from all my bloggy friends!

:-) Crystelle