Tuesday, February 8, 2011

FREE Burlap "Keep Calm" Stitch Pattern

Jenn from RedberrryBarn has done it again!  Made something fabulous with burlap!
This lovely stitch pattern features
"Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake"

I love everything Jenn creates, and this design
is wonderful for the upcoming Valentine holiday.

Plus if you hand over the cupcake nobody gets hurt at my house....
especially if it is chocolate!!!!

Enjoy, Crystelle


  1. It is really nice!!!.

    Thanks, Crystelle

  2. Thank you for featuring my project again! You are too good to me! I hope that you are having a delightful day!

  3. Um... my cupcake, gulp! Very sound advice worth keeping ;D "Hand over the cupcake and nobody gets hurt" would be nice framed also. Good one!


Oh how I love your comments! Thank you so much for taking the time ~ I so love hearing from all my bloggy friends!

:-) Crystelle