Thursday, December 2, 2010

Crystelle's Potato Boutique

Fun Upbeat Video
Gotta Watch It!!!
Soooo cute!


  1. I love all of your designs and Ideas on here! You have such an awesome blog!

    I miss the music list you used to have on here too! Just wondering if I could get a copy of that playlist? You've inspired me! thanks, V

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the sweet comment! They mean so much to me!

    YES! The painted mason jar still looks GREAT! I haven't used it for much except to hold silverware and for decoration, so it's not getting lot of hard use, but it still looks fabulous!


  3. I had to watch it! Now I want to read more of your blog and take a gander at your bags because I love me some potatoes. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Expect more of me here! Looks so fun.


Oh how I love your comments! Thank you so much for taking the time ~ I so love hearing from all my bloggy friends!

:-) Crystelle