Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fabulous Potato Sack Dress

Check out this fabulous potato sack dress!
 In the picture is T.
With Mr. Potato Head.

She and her friends had a party and she dressed up as 
Miss Idaho

She was so kind as to send me these pictures!
Thanks "T"!!!
I love 'um!

This is what she wrote me:

"Here goes, we made a dress out of the burlap bags you sent me. It came out AMAZING. My friend did a great job sewing it for me. I had a zipper, bone in on the top part etc... Hope you like the pics."

I do like the pics and your friend did indeed do an AMAZING job!
Thanks for sharing!


  1. Adorable! The dress and the girl :) Sweet, thanks for sharing! -Tammy

  2. Love this dress! I love that it looks like a dress I may wear out, since its strapless, and sassy! Thanks for sharing!


Oh how I love your comments! Thank you so much for taking the time ~ I so love hearing from all my bloggy friends!

:-) Crystelle