Saturday, July 31, 2010

Looking GREAT in a REAL Potato Sack Dress

Paige Pearson is a wonderful young lady who was the Junior Miss Blackfoot 2009-2010

In this picture she appears wearing a FABULOUS potato sack dress that was custom made just for her. After all, Blackfoot is the "Potato Capital of the World!"

Paige Pearson displays her spectacular potatosack dress with a Spud Drive-In Movie Theater Truck (the truck is cute too!!!!)

Come to think of it, YOU would look fabulous in a potato sack dress as well!!!

Happy Potato Sack Sewing!
Return to CrystelleBoutique
To view additional Potato Sack Dresses, please follow this link.


  1. cute idea!
    Wonder if it's scratchy. Hope {for her sake} that it's lined.....

  2. I can't believe I just found your blog! I feel honored to be on it :) That was such a fun experience! I still have that wonderful dress, and yes thankfully it is lined! :) I love this blog!


Oh how I love your comments! Thank you so much for taking the time ~ I so love hearing from all my bloggy friends!

:-) Crystelle