Sewing with Potato Sacks is fun and definitely CUTE and creative! But......If you ever thought that sewing with burlap potato sacks is easy~schmeezy, think again!....:~)
Unfortunately, sewing with potato sacks is nothing like sewing with burlap fabric you buy form the fabric stores ......Potato sacks are woven quite loosely, and you must be very careful in your preparation, or the individual jute fibers of the potato sack will get snagged, and pull out or break........
It is so sad when that happens to a sewing project that you worked so hard on and turned out so CUTE!!!!!
After having worked with potato sacks for some time, and having tried all kinds of different strategies and techniques, I have come up with some tips and tricks to make your sewing and or crafting with potato sacks LAST somewhat longer...!!!!! :)
The suggestions are all included in the tutorial:
Potato Sack Preparation Tricks and Tips {PDF eBook}
Love to hear from you!
Especially if you send me pictures of what you have made!!!!
It is totally worth the little extra time to use these extra methods to ensure your potato sack project will LAST!!!! :)
You will be SO MUCH happier with the end result!
:-) Crystelle
I saw a potato sack last week at a store, and I was shocked at how loosely it was woven compared to coffee sacks!
Yes these tips will come in handy!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteBurlap is THE BEST!!!!
love LOVE love LOVE burlap!
Burlap Rocks!
ReplyDeleteI would love to get your tips but I DID NOT find the e book on esty. Help
ReplyDeleteI love your bags
Hi there!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry my Etsy site was not up to date!!! I feel really bad!
From now on I will give the PDF file away free to anyone who emails me with that requests. I hesitated to do so in the past, because it took me so long to discover and develop these precautionary methods. And I figured that was worth something, so I sold the info for $2.50, but gave it away to all those who purchased a potato sack from us.... I have changed my mind: Let's spead the love.... {heeheeheehee}
Now I will GIVE the info away FREE if you email me. I will email the file back to you at no charge and keep you updated with our newsletter on anything else new that is going on in the creative Crystelle world....
My email:
crystelleboutique at gmail dot com
Looking forward to hearing from you!
How do you stop burlap from shedding? Do you treat your bags with something? I have your pdf.
Hi Diane,
ReplyDeleteThat is a good question. Burlap certainly is a messy medium. When you treat the burlap with the adhesive, it helps keep it from being too messy, but some tiny jute fibers will still come off at times.
Just the nature of the beast, unfortunately.
Is that what you meant?
Did I answer you question properly?
Let me know!
Hi, I would love your pdf. Is it still available?
ReplyDeletevickiehoman (at) gmail (dot) com
I once used a potato sack to hold leaves when I racked them in fall time.