Thursday, April 22, 2010

"Potato Sack" Dresses on Project Runway

A little while ago the assignment on Project Runway was to make something suitable for a party out of a potato sack.
I was excited about that assignment, but very surprised when I found out that instead of using genuine potato sacks, they were using regular burlap.
The dresses they came up with are cute. Some are cuter than others, but none of them look like a potato sack. I guess they aren't supposed to... Or maybe they were. I don't know.
Anyway. I thought it was cool to see this assignment, but I would have liked it a LOT more had they used actual potato sacks with actual "Grown in Idaho" print. I gotta speak up for Idaho, right? Plus regular burlap is much easier to work with than genuine potato sacks. A-ha! Maybe that's my motivation! I wished they would have felt my pain. HA!
No, that's horrible to think that.
Enjoy the pictures!

To read an article and view LOTS of pictures of a really awesome potato sack dress, please visit here.
Return to CrystelleBoutique
To view additional Potato Sack Dresses, please follow this link.
To make your own potato sack dress that will look a lot more phenomenal than these, acquire your bags from Potato Boutique on Etsy


  1. I'm with ya! Those dresses look nothing like potato sacks!!!


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:-) Crystelle